Extravagant Signals

7 Nights of Exhibition

ROLE: Curator, Co-Producer

DATE: June 2015

LOCATION: Gallery 1965, Vancouver

PRODUCED BY: Barbara Adler & Oli K


A seven part series of multidisciplinary performance, featuring music, social dance, improvised dance, spoken word and visual art by Oli K.

Photo by Ash Ash Tanasiychuk

Photo by Ash Ash Tanasiychuk

Extravagant signals is a unique series of evening events featuring a variety of multidisciplinary arts. Shapes and Sounds is a part of Music and Movement Mondays; a collective of improvisational musicians and dancers from Vancouver B.C founded by drummer Ben Brown (Pugs & Crows) Drawing from some of West coast's finest improvisers, the group combines live musicians and dancers to create an engaging live experience.